About the College Library: The college library is the heart of the institution, serving equally, both the students and teachers. Government Polytechnic College for Girls Library housed in a spacious building has a collection of approximately 30000 printed books related to engineering and allied subjects. The library holds a good number of printed as well as electronic resources which include books, journals, encyclopaedias and other reference sources etc. Library also subscribes a good number of quality National/International journals magazines and newspapers. Library has airy, lighted, ventilated and well-planned building.
Opening Hours
The Library remains open from 9.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. on working days, same as of the College.
Facilities to Students:
• Library Orientation and Awareness
• Book Lending
• Reference Service
• Reading Room
• Computer and Internet Facility
• Book Bank
Pictures of library: